
KAXITE hat die Hochleistungs-Glasfaserprofile erfunden, um die Aluminium-Fensterrahmen und Solarpanel-Montageschienen zu ersetzen. Die 90% Glasfaserprofile haben eine extrem höhere mechanische Festigkeit (über 1000MPA Zugfestigkeit), längere Lebensdauer aufgrund der ausgezeichneten Alterungsbeständigkeit, leichter und kostengünstiger, erzielt bessere Energieeinsparung für die thermischen Bruchfenstersysteme.
Product Overview

KAXITE Energy-Saving Material-Glass Fiber Profile

In modern architectural design, doors and windows, as one of the important components of architecture, must not only meet the requirements of aesthetics, but also have excellent performance characteristics. Traditional door and window materials often face problems such as high weight, difficult maintenance, and poor insulation performance. Therefore, industry insiders have been searching for an innovative material that can solve these problems. In recent years, the emergence of fiberglass reinforced polyurethane materials has brought revolutionary changes to the door and window industry. Glass fiber reinforced polyurethane is a material composed of polyurethane resin and glass fiber through special processes. It not only possesses the excellent properties of polyurethane, but also overcomes the shortcomings of traditional door and window materials, making it an ideal door and window material.